Happy August Birthdays!! Kayleigh A 08/02 Brooklyn L 08/02 Lucy S 08/02 McKenzie F 08/04 Gabriella D 08/05 Kira H 08/05 Cesar C 08/10 Lynden E 08/10 Dexter S 08/11 Daisy G 08/12 Miles K 08/15 Finley H 08/17 Noah S 08/18 Alberto S 08/19 Ailany R 08/21 Steele W 08/22 Molly A 08/26 Jordan H 08/26 Tessa H 08/27 Denise N 08/29
over 3 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
​Good afternoon! Just a quick update that I will be sharing my back to school message with detailed information for the start of the year tomorrow afternoon. Staff are working hard to create slideshows and videos sharing information from their classroom and welcoming you back. The plan for the staff welcome back was for tomorrow so I decided to align my video with everyone else's :) Please check your email, facebook or the website tomorrow evening for our Woods Welcome Back! Reminder, if you have any materials, books, technology please return those as soon as possible. Office is open Wed and Thursday from 8-3. **If you did not complete the survey or we have not heard from you we are planning for your child to be in attendance in person on Sept 1st. If you have alternate plans please let me know. Thanks! This year's theme at Woods is "See the Silver Lining!" As always, thank you SO much for your support and if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me! Alyson
over 3 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
We have missed you!
​Good afternoon! If you are interested in sharing public comments with the school board please email them to aeisch@woodsschool.com by 4:30 today. I apologize for the short notice!
over 3 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
Public Comments
Good afternoon. I am touching base to share updates on some important topics as we get even closer to the start of school. -Please drop off Chromebooks and chargers next week anytime Monday-Thursday 8-4. They need to be set up for the new school year. -Teachers will be working together next week to create back to school videos or slideshows in place of the annual Hot Dog Night. More info to come! -Mrs. Kase and Mrs. Darbro are sending out information for our 4K and 5K students on a welcome conference that will be scheduled for families at Woods (outside!) from 1-6 on August 26th. -I will be finalizing and sharing specific procedures and expectations related to Covid-19. This will include specific drop-off and pick-up times and procedures, reminders and information on masks, cohort details, visitor policies, waivers for live streaming, etc. -I will be sharing a video next week with all families to provide a peek inside of Woods as well as information on many of the procedures mentioned above. -Woods at Home families- I will send a meeting invite for a Zoom on Thursday, Aug 27th at 10 am (this will also be live-streamed and recorded). We will also share information on a Sept 1st welcome event where families can meet the Woods at Home liaison teachers, pick-up materials and technology, and check-in with the administration with any questions or concerns. I am sure there is much more so please watch your emails, the website, and social media for important updates and information next week. Have a wonderful weekend! Alyson
over 3 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
Please return any technology (Chrome books and cords) that you have at home. We need to clean these up and get them ready for pick up prior to September 1st! Thanks so much!!!
over 3 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
Check your email for an important message.
almost 4 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
Thank you Ms. Blakely for taking care the of the Woods garden this summer!!
almost 4 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
Join me for a virtual Woods school meeting town hall style! Alyson Eisch is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Woods School Town Hall Style Time: Aug 5, 2020 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87159985920?pwd=RUQ0aEU3SzZKRmZQSzBHWnhpRE52QT09 Meeting ID: 871 5998 5920 Password: 8W2uHK One tap mobile +13017158592,,87159985920#,,,,0#,,983917# US (Germantown) +13126266799,,87159985920#,,,,0#,,983917# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 871 5998 5920 Password: 983917 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbKvUQ8K7v
almost 4 years ago, Alyson Eisch
Let's Chat
Happy July Birthdays!! Lauren E 07/01 Connor N 07/01 Lissette V 07/01 Nora A 07/02 Wyatt M 07/02 Aiden B 07/03 Nora J 07/03 Anna H 07/08 Dale E 07/09 Margaret H 07/13 Willow W 07/15 Sage E 07/16 Jesus V 07/17 Finley R 07/25 Sam P 07/27 JoseH 07/30 Luis H 07/30
almost 4 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
Happy Birthday!
Report Cards and Yearbooks! Just a reminder that report cards and yearbooks are available for pick-up in the office. We are open every day from 9-3 and this Wednesday July 8th we will be available until 5pm. Thanks!!
almost 4 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
Have a wonderful Fourth of July!
almost 4 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
Happy Fourth of July everyone!!!!
Welcome Jennifer Frederick! Director of Financial Services! Jennifer Frederick is excited to join the Woods family. Jennifer comes to us after serving 7 years as the Village Administrator of the Village of Twin Lakes and as the Mayor of Green Bay's Chief of Staff from 2010-2012. Jennifer has a Master's Degree in Public Finance and Public Affairs from Indiana University- Bloomington. Jennifer lives in Fontana with her husband, Tyler, and two kids, Lucas and Allison. Jennifer loves to spend her weekends traveling or waterskiing and boating on Geneva Lake. Welcome Jennifer! We are so excited to have you join the Woods team!
almost 4 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
Jennifer Frederick
Happy Monday!! We have had a bunch of birthdays since our last post so a very happy belated birthday to the following!! Nolan P 05/14 Klara H 05/17 Jacqueline R 05/17 Ryan A 05/20 Lily S 05/21 John B 05/24 Scarlett B 05/25 Jaxson L 06/04 Macy M 06/07 Daisy V 06/08 Scarlett H 06/10 Calder B 06/11 Adelyn D 06/17 Esteban C 06/19 Mallory B 06/20 Madalyn M 06/21 Connor B 06/23 Michael C 06/24 Paul B 06/25 Oliver E 06/26 Kensie H 06/28 Elsie M 06/28 Kyla P 06/28
almost 4 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
Happy Belated
Good afternoon! Tomorrow's board meeting is set for 4pm virtually through Zoom. The meeting will be broadcast on Facebook Live. If you are interested in submitting a public comment ​please email to aeisch@woodsschool.com by tomorrow, Tuesday June 23rd, at noon. Thank you so much! Alyson
almost 4 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
Public Comments
Happy Father’s Day to all of our fabulous Woods Dads!!! Enjoy this absolutely beautiful day!
almost 4 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
Happy Father’s Day
Happy Juneteenth Day!
almost 4 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
​Good morning! I hope that your summers are off to a great start! This weather is absolutely beautiful. I am writing to let you know that report cards and yearbooks will be available for families to pick up Monday June 22nd between 9-2. **If you have items that you weren't able to drop-off on June 8th you can bring those items in as well. Woods is providing a yearbook for each student this year! If you are unable to stop by Monday the office will be open Monday through Thursday from 9-3 starting on July 1st. Kathy will have report cards and yearbooks will be on a table near the office so that you can grab one for each of your students. Wearing a mask when you come in the building is encouraged. Thanks so much!! Alyson
almost 4 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
Summer Girl Scouts
almost 4 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
Girl Scouts
Today's school board meeting has been moved to Tuesday June 23rd at 4pm. Thanks!
almost 4 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
Meet our new Instructional Coach Mary Gordon! "Currently I spend a couple days per week at my son's house with my two grand-babies to help with schoolwork and do 'crazy science' experiments (as my grandson calls them) while my son, Dan, works from home. Kylie just completed second grade; Tanner - K4. I love gardening, art-making, being outdoors, and, of course spending time with my family... and reading. I also enjoy biking (both motor and mountain bike). I began my world-of-work as an artist/designer in 1983 with my BFA from MIAD. I worked as a designer and creative director at area firms, then freelance until 2015. I only do pro-bono design work now. During this time, I also taught creative problem-solving, typography, and design courses at MIAD, UW-M, and Cardinal Stritch University (respectively) as well as volunteered to provide in-classroom support and tutor at-risk learners at each of the schools my son attended. Since earning my #801 Cross Categorical License from Stritch in 2012, I obtained five additional teaching licenses and earned my Master’s degree from Alverno College; my action research focused on Supporting Co-Teachers to Improve Inclusive Practice and Educator Effectiveness. I currently participate in courses as part of the Doctoral program in Language/Literacy at Cardinal Stritch University. Over the past eight years, I have been assigned to six urban teaching positions, primarily as special education staff. In this role, I have supported caseloads of up to 28 students: I wrote their IEPs and reevaluations, progress-monitored annual goals, differentiated instruction and provided accommodations in the general education setting as well as supported new special education staff. Additionally, I co-taught courses ranging from English/Literature to History and Science at the High School and Middle School levels. I also acted as the Tier 3 reading interventionist, created and taught Comprehensive Literacy Seminar for Freshmen and Sophomore students as well as co-taught the Tier 2 intervention classes. My most recent teaching assignment was at MPS-Success Center working with at-risk students in grades 4-8. Above all else, I am grateful for the opportunity to work with everyone at Woods Elementary, and look forward to meeting each of you. "
almost 4 years ago, Geneva J4 Woods School
Mary Gordon